In conversation with Georgia Hughes

In conversation with Georgia Hughes

We recently caught up with Georgia Hughes, otherwise known as Big Dish Energyy who after completing culinary school earlier this summer, has spent recent months on the road, travelling Europe with her partner, and cooking up a series of delicious recipes titled VAN SCRAN. We caught up with Georgia, to see what her summer highlights have been and what’s next for her...

Georgia it's so great to meet you, tell us, where did you first fall in love with food, and when did you decide to make it your career?
I’ve always been someone who goes to sleep thinking breakfast. However, it wasn’t until university that I began properly experimenting with cooking. After graduating, I started working in marketing for food brands around the time that Instagram reels were taking off. I began creating recipe videos for work and started my own Instagram page too. Other brands began messaging me for content and over time, I transitioned into freelance. It’s pretty surreal that I get to create recipes for a living!

You've been on the road this summer, what's been your favourite place you've visited and the best thing you've eaten?
Yes! I’ve been lucky enough to spend the two months living and travelling in a van. I’ve done a fair amount of cooking on the road but we did manage to visit San Sebastián - foodie heaven. They put anchovies on everything. We tried the famous tortilla at Bar Nestor which was life changing - rich, caramelised and delicious. If anyone if heading there soon, there’s a pinxtos food guide on my insta (@bigdishenergyy)!

What are your top tips for eating well whilst travelling, you've got such a great set up in your campervan!
It can be tough to feel like you’re eating well while travelling so I tend to focus on making one solid, well-rounded meal each day. This way you have plenty of time to explore and tuck into any treats that catch your eye. For example, we might have something quick like yoghurt and fruit for breakfast, then I’ll cook up a big shakshuka packed with veg and pulses for lunch. After that, we’re free to head out and enjoy dinner somewhere local.

You cook some seriously good looking pasta dishes, do you have a favourite pasta recipe?
Gosh, I absolutely love pasta. I love to indulge in cream-based pasta dishes. Recently, I made one with caramelised leeks and anchovies which was super rich and decedent. However, my current favourite is a sausage and charred pepper ragu. Charring the veggies on the hob packs in loads of flavour, even when drowned in parmesan…

What's something you're looking forward to?
Seeing what comes next! 2024 has been pretty crazy - I’ve been able to do a lot of travelling and even go to culinary school which wasn’t really on the cards a few years ago. Building relationships with food brands and investing time into my Instagram has opened a lot of doors for me. I’m not sure what comes next but I’m excited to find out.

Anything else you want to tell us or share with our pasta lovers community?
Shameless plug that next stop in the van will be Italy - lots of pasta inspo coming up over on my page!